We would like to hear from you!
Do you have some history of Clear Lake that is worthy to be shared? We are interested in featuring a history of our fine lake from years past. You may contact the CLPO webmaster Anne Hall at the following address: clpoinc - at - gmail- dot - com (please replace "at" and "dot" with the usual characters; this has been done to discourage spam).
Here's a little history for you!
Story by Ron Graham – Trunk Slammers!
For 45 years Ron Graham and his wife, Lemmie, have owned property on Clear Lake. For the first 30 years, they and their 6 kids, were weekender’s only. Ron and his wife built a new house 15 years ago moving to the lake full time. It was then after meeting more neighbors that they learned they were known as the “trunk slammers.” Earning the name for every Friday night and Sunday night the neighbors would hear their car trunks slam shut.